Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Woot! Dr.Who is back!

This is a Who House, a house of Whovians if you will. We're super excited because Dr.Who is returning this Saturday. We're also celebrating my daughter's first birthday, which is good too I guess. The whole day can't be all about her though, right?

If you haven't been initiated into Dr.Who you don't know what you're missing. It's not that hokey stuff you may have watched in the 70s and 80s. Although I must admit, it kinda scared me when I was a kid. Occasionally I'd catch glances of it from time to time and it would freak me out. The misty outline of a "Green Bald Alien" became a haunting figure in our childhood. "Don't go over there by yourself; THE GREEN BALD ALIEN MIGHT GET YOU!!" Anywho, ahhh, see what I did there?? The modern Dr.Who is awesome. I suggest starting at the season with David Tennant and working your way up from there. If anything watch the Blink, the episode with the Weeping Angels. If that doesn't hook you, nothing will. By far the creepiest, sit on the edge of your seat, nail biter around. You'll love it!

The second part of the current season is on this Saturday at 8pm on the Space channel. This incarnation of the Doctor is played by Matt Smith. His two companions are played by Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill. The chemistry between the three is brilliant! Below is a trailer for the current season and the return episode titled "Let's Kill Hitler!" Sounds like fun, eh?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Go Take a Hike

Today was spent indulging two of my husband's favorite things: hiking and photography! Wow, it must be nice to have such interesting hobbies. I really must look into getting one myself. We were daring in that we left around lunch time and nap time for our youngest little adventurer. Not to fret, however, we are seasoned professionals! We loaded ourselves up with plenty of food and crossed our fingers that nap time wouldn't be a big issue. It wasn't, thankfully, and much fun was had by all. We trekked for about an hour and a half. (mental note: next time more ankle support!) Miss. A LOVED it! She has an amazing amount of energy! Baby K always loves getting outside and being a part of the action. She's just fascinated by everything. I, well, I probably needed the exercise.

My husband, Scott, is a wonderful photographer! He really enjoys it, and it shows in his work. The kids are some of his favorite subjects. Miss. A loves to be the center of attention, so she really gets into it. I'm sure Baby Kwill quickly follow! He also loves the great outdoors. Much of the time spent at the cottage is hunting for the perfect shot.

It was a lovely day out with the kiddies! We saw deer, squirrels, toads, butterflies, and lots of different birds. Ok, maybe the deer was the most exciting thing, but if you're three years old and under it's practically an African safari. Scott took many a photo, I even took a couple myself. If you get a chance you should check out his Flickr site.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Blogs aren't just isolated islands that people occasionally visit. In a lot of ways they build a relationship spanning many different platforms between the reader and the author. We comment on them, tweet about them, share them with others. We can be as distant or involved as we choose. It has the potential to be a very intimate relationship between the reader and author. At the beginning of any beautiful relationship proper introductions are called for. you doin'?? That thing with your hair/glasses/bow tie is really working for you. You know a lot of people couldn't pull it off, but, you, you totally can. Nice.

Umm...well. Me? I'm a Stay At Home Mom. Which sounds weird to me. Part of me still thinks I'm just babysitting until the "real" Mom gets back. I'm sorry lady, but the rates have gone UP! I'm happily married to my best friend. Our "courtship" was a story in itself, but that's for another day and time. My kids are awesome! They are amazing and hilarious. Not a day goes by that they don't do something that endears them to me even more. They also drive me NUTS! But that's part and parcel I guess. I like scifi, comics, zombies, action movies, well anything with a body count really. I talk to strangers and would probably accept candy if it was offered. Is drinking wine considered a hobby??

The rest?, well, you'll just have to get to know me the old fashion way. You know, through various online social media forums.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If You Don't Have It, You Probably Know Someone Who Does

The doctor has recently diagnosed me with a chronic condition: Children. Symptoms include restlessness, weight gain, irritability, difficulty sleeping, fatigue among many others. It is an increasingly debilitating condition to which there is no known cure. Thousands of Canadians suffer with the effects of Children on a daily basis. Symptoms can be managed; coffee, wine, chocolate and spa retreats may have an elevating effect. Other side effects of children included, but are not limited to: joy, pride, love, awe, hope and wonder.